Friday, 5 August 2011


Yes, I am the proud owner of a positive pregnancy test!
1st beta : 50! Awesome!

All other posts will now be on Littlediiorios. Thanks for following here, during my 'secret' mission.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

7dp 5dt

I can POAS now but too chicken. Plus, if I don't see a second line, I will be a mess for the next four days with my brother and his family and I don't need to do that. I will buy more time. Had cramps all day yesterday, and that feeling I get when my period comes in my body. But you cant get true PMS on these high doses of hormones and the cramps were a bit different than AF cramps. So dont know what to think. My boobs are a bit tender, especially when I wear a bra. But these can all be due to the drugs. So trying to hang in there. Nice to hear from you!! Will be doing fun stuff today in Salt Lake!!