Thursday, 28 July 2011


I had always wanted to write that title. Stef and I talked. He of course would probably like me to come home deep down inside but it is too disruptive now that the plans have been made and not fair to me. He told me to carry on without him. He went back to work and will make the best of it. He will miss my 40th and Beta day...the 5th. I will still be at my brothers. I offered to go home on the 5th but He feels that if he missed the transfer the rest don't matter enough for the change in airfare fee. We'll celebrate my birthday with a big party at home later this month. And we'll skype Beta day. Hopefully with good news!! As for the bedrest...I do have to get up once in a while to get stuff out of the fridge or my shot or the bathroom but back to bed quick I go. Slept a lot yesterday and slept off the stress last night so hopefully the little one is burying itself in as we speak! The TV has not come on yet. I love the quiet. My room overlooks the park and the big window opens so I feel like I'm outside. I will actually be sad to see this day end. It's very peaceful. But off to Cali tomorrow!


  1. Great title! I love it. Enjoy your rest.

  2. Yay for the title of this post! Can't wait until you're 9dp5dt and posting your awesome beta #! Distracting yourself with vacation plans is probably the best thing for this agonizing wait, even if you have to go without Stef. Hang in there--not many days left until Beta Day! Thinking of you!
